Work with Upward Personal Finance

When it comes to your financial future, you may know what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there. You constantly juggle time between work, family, friends, other obligations, and fun.  You have little time or inclination to do the research required to craft a financial plan on your own. As a result, you do nothing for fear of doing something wrong.

We want to change that.

Here are the simple steps to working with us

  • STEP 1: Schedule your Q+A

    Upward Personal Finance offers a no-cost, no-obligation introductory 15-minute Q+A session to get to know you, your desired outcomes, and answer any questions you may have about us. Tell us what led you to reach out and what you want to accomplish. If we’re a good fit for you, let’s move to the next step.


  • STEP 2: Book your Discovery Session

    All clients of UPF start here. After initiating your session payment, we send you a questionnaire to complete and a calendar to book your one hour session. The questionnaire is designed to understand your goals, values, timelines, what you hope to accomplish, and the details on where you currently stand. After reviewing your answers, we create a recommended plan with prioritized goals and action items to reach them. After your Discovery Session, you may choose to work on your plan by yourself or have us assist you further. Many hands make light work and teamwork makes the dream work. One of the plans below may be recommended to help you reach your goals faster.


  • STEP 3: Choose your coaching plan (Clarity or Enlightenment)

    Clarity Plan:

    This is a 3-month plan broken out with 2 sessions per month for an hour each (6 sessions). It is designed to tackle 3 prioritized goals. We work in tandem to complete action items. You have sessions to ask question and receive guidance. You will have some homework to complete. All sessions are designed to get you in better financial shape by the completion of your Clarity Plan.

    $375 / Month (3-month commitment)

    Enlightenment Plan:

    This is a 5-month plan broken out with 2 sessions per month for an hour each (10 sessions). Your goals may include developing a net worth statement, spending plan, short- and long-term savings programs, debt elimination and other projects based on your specific needs. The Enlightenment Plan is designed to be comprehensive and lengthy enough to reach prioritized goals and set a full financial plan in place. This 5-month commitment will leave you feeling confident and in control of your finances.

    $350 / Month ( 5-month commitment)

  • STEP 4: Keep your momentum going with Membership Programs & Alignment Sessions

    We support our clients with onging membership programs. After you complete a Clarity or Enlightenment coaching plan, you may want to get continued support and accountability for reaching your goals. We offer monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly membership programs at a discounted rate.

    Alignment Sessions are for clients who have completed their Discovery Session and either the Clarity Plan or Enlightenment Plan. To keep your momentum going, you can schedule check-ins, reviews, updates, working sessions, or Q+A time on an as-needed basis. We want to be your ongoing partner in financial growth and success!

    $150 / Session

A personal Financial Coach will mentor you so you can focus on the important things in life. Our goal is to make difficult decisions easy and complicated info simple to understand.